Collaborative Law
Legal service and advice specialists in Collaborative Practice and Resolution
Effective communication is challenging at the best of times, but during a family breakdown or divorce emotions are running high, people feel hurt, angry and misunderstood and the situation can become increasingly convoluted.
However unpleasant it may be, and however daunting it may feel, communication during separation or divorce is essential.
Collaborative Law creates a safe and neutral ground for discussion, not only making it more comfortable but also more effective. Your two supporting solicitors are committed to helping you reach a resolution without going to court. This means that you can rest assured that who is representing you is working hard to help you achieve a divorce settlement that is fair and reasonable.
Civilised divorce proceedings
At the Worcester Family Law Practice, as members of Resolution , we will encourage you to consider Collaborative Law as a means of a less confrontational approach in resolving the issues that have arisen due to your separation.
If you and your ex-partner are suitable for collaboration we will enter into a series of sit-down meetings with your ex-partner and their collaboratively trained solicitor to try and reach a resolution which is not just right for you but for your whole family.
Collaborative Law is interested in the bigger picture, looking to help you create a future for you and your family that serves everybody’s best interests, particularly that of your children. We believe face-to-face communication to be the most effective way of achieving the best results. Communicating with each other with the support services of a sympathetic legal professional means that we can help you work together to achieve results that will benefit the whole family.
The collaborative approach also brings more transparency to the over all process. While you will still be individually represented by your own solicitor, we will predominantly all work together to achieve a future for you and your family that you are both happy with, and can both walk away from with dignity and no regrets.
Let us help you take a more active role in deciding the fate of your family through this difficult time, set the pace and the agenda of your divorce or separation proceedings, and create a more amicable outcome that will benefit you and make it easier for your children.
We will give you legal advice including guidance and reassurance, and enable you to make the decisions that will determine the future happiness of your family as opposed to a stranger in a courtroom.